Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013



On the onset of the 2008 financial crisis, a distraught man, Jeffrey, kills his business partners and estranged wife before taking his children – three-year old Victoria and one-year old Lilly – away from home. Driving dangerously fast on a snowy road, the car slides off and crashes in the woods. Surviving the crash, Jeffrey takes the children into an abandoned cabin. Planning to kill his daughters and commit suicide, he holds a gun to Victoria's head. Just then, a shadowy figure pulls him out of the door, snapping his neck. The girls survive by the fireside and are tossed a cherry by the mysterious figure.
Five years later, a rescue party, sponsored by Jeffrey's brother, Lucas, find the children alive but animal-like in their behavior. The girls are put in a welfare clinic under the psychiatric care of Dr. Gerald Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss agrees to support Lucas and his girlfriend Annabel's custody claim against the girls' maternal great-aunt Jean. Dreyfuss is intrigued by the drawings the girls have made of a mysterious character they call "Mama", whom they talk to and play with. During an intimate moment between Lucas and Annabel one night, Annabel is startled by the appearance of a shadowed figure in their bedroom doorway; while investigating, Lucas is attacked by Mama and slides into a comatose state. Annabel, a punk-rock musician unrelated to the girls, finds herself left alone to care for them while Mama's visits continue. Although Annabel makes progress with Victoria, she finds Lilly hostile. Alarmed by nightmares and a warning about "Mama's jealousy", Annabel asks Dr. Dreyfuss to investigate.
Dr. Dreyfuss initially believes "Mama" to be a creation of Victoria's mind. However, his research corroborates Victoria's story that Mama is an aggrieved mother separated from her child and brings to light the story of Edith Brennan, a mental asylum patient in the 1800s. Dreyfuss recovers a box of a dead child's remains, and has his first encounter with Mama while interviewing Victoria. Annabel has a nightmare about Mama's past; Mama had committed suicide by jumping off a cliff after stealing her baby from the nuns who had separated them. While falling, Mama's child was snagged on a branch and killed on impact, while Mama fell into the water. Annabel realizes Mama never knew what happened to the child and has been searching for her; she sees Victoria and Lilly as substitutes. Lucas regains consciousness after having a disturbing vision of his dead brother Jeffrey telling him to go to the cabin in the woods. Annabel and the girls are visited by Jean, who, alarmed by some bruises on the girls, tries to get Annabel investigated for abusing them. Victoria's growing closeness with Annabel makes her less willing to play with Mama, unlike Lilly, who still prefers Mama to Annabel.
Dr. Dreyfuss visits the cabin to research Mama's presence, and upon trying to photograph her, is attacked and killed. Finding him missing, Annabel steals the girls' case files from his office. She learns that Edith and Mama are the same person, while Lucas leaves the hospital to search for the cabin. Shortly after she makes a breakthrough with Victoria, Annabel and the girls are attacked by a jealous Mama, who subdues Annabel, possesses the body of Aunt Jean, who had broken into the house for evidence of abuse, and escapes with the girls. Upon regaining consciousness, Annabel takes the box bearing the remains of Mama's child and heads for the woods, where she meets Lucas. The couple spot the children on a nearby cliff, where Mama (who killed Jean) is preparing to relive her suicide by taking Victoria and Lilly with her over the cliff. Annabel offers Mama the remains of her child, and the angry spirit undergoes a more peaceful transformation, appearing human again. But when Lilly calls out for her, Mama returns to her terrifying form and attacks, discarding the remains of her child. After a desperate struggle, Annabel has just enough strength to hold on to Victoria who decides to stay with her and Lucas, while Lilly cries that she and her sister should be with Mama. Mama encases herself and Lilly in a cocoon and jumps off the cliff, hitting the same branch she did in the 1800s. Upon impact, she and Lilly turn into a shower of moths. While hugging Annabel and Lucas, Victoria notices a blue and black butterfly land on her hand, which she believes to be Lilly.


Direct speech adalah kutipan asli suatu pembicaraan tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Sedangkan indirect speech adalah bentuk kalimat laporan yang berguna untuk menceritakan kembali pembicaraan/pendapat seseorang yang mana mengalami modifikasi tertentu. Dibawah ini akan diberikan kepada anda materi direct-indirect speech secara lengkap.
Cara penulisan direct speech selalu diapit oleh tanda kutip,kalimat selalu di awali huruf capital. Tanda titik dua (:) atau koma (,) diletakkan sebelum direct speech bilamana kata penghubung/pelapor (reporting vern)-nya berada dimuka,dan tanda koma (,) harus diletakkan setelah direct speech bilamana kata penghubung diletakkan setelah atau diantara direct speechnya. Tanda baca seperti tanda seru (!),tanda Tanya (?) yang menunjukkan jenis kalimat direct tidak mengalami perubahan.
Ada dua jenis indirect speech :
A.   Imperative (request)
Yang dilaporkan adalah suatu perintah. Karena kalimat perintah biasanya tidak mengenal subject,maka verb dalam direct imperative tidak mengalami perubahan. Verb dalam indirect menjadi ‘to invinitive’.
Contoh 1 :
Direct : He said to his servant,”Go away at once”.
Indirect : He ordered his servant to go away at once.
Contoh 2 :
Direct : “Watch TV”.
Indirect : He told me to watch TV.
B.  Declarative (statement)
1. Bila terdapat tenses maka penjabarannya sebagai berikut :
Ø Simple present tense menjadi simple past tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan simple present tense, maka indirect speech menggunakan simple past tense.
Contoh :
Direct : Linda said “I buy my dictionary at the book shop”.
Indirect : Linda said that she bought her dictionary at the book shop.
Ø Present continuous tense menjadi past continuous tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan present continuous tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past continuous tense.
Contoh :
Direct : She said “I’m doing my English homework”.
Indirect : She said that she was doing her English homework.
Ø Present perfect tense menjadi past perfect tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan present perfect tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past perfect tense.
Contoh :
Direct : John said ”I have finished doing my reports”.
Indirect : John said that he had finished doing his reports.
Ø Present perfect continuous tense menjadi past perfect continuous tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan present continuous tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past perfect continuous tense.
Contoh :
Direct : He said “We have been living here for three years”.
Indirect : He said that they had been living there for three years.
Ø Simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan simple past tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past perfect tense.
Contoh :
Direct : He said “I went to school yesterday”.
Indirect : He said that he had gone to school the day before.
Ø Future tense menjadi past future tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan simple future tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past future tense.
Contoh :
Direct : Laila said “We will leave for Singapore”.
Indirect : Laila said that they would leave for Singapore.
Ø Past continuous tense menjadi past perfect continuous tense
Jika direct speech menggunakan past continuous tense maka indirect speech menggunakan past perfect continuous tense.
Contoh :
Direct : He said “I was reading an English novels”.
Indirect : He said that he had been reading English novels.

2. Bila terdapat modal,maka penjelasannya adalah :
Direct : “Ica watch TV”.
: “I may watch TV”.
: “I must watch TV”.
Indirect : She said that she could watch TV
: She said that she might watch TV
: She said that she had to watch TV.

3.  Bila terdapat interrogative sentence
a. Reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi ask atau inquire. Dengan mengulangi kata Tanya dan mengubah tense jika pertanyaan di mulai dengan kata Tanya.
Contoh :
Direct : He said to me,”where are you going?”
Indirect : He asked me where I was going.

b. Dengan menggunakan if/whether sebagai penghubung antara reporting verb dan reported speech dan mengulang tenses
Contoh :
Direct         : He said to me,”Are you going away today?”
Indirect      : He asked me whether I going today.
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